Lively Discussion Closes  September Screening of “A Towering Task” Documentary

Screenings of “A Towering Task, The Story of the Peace Corps,” hosted by the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience through much of September, attracted viewers from across the country. 

On September 30, a panel of speakers featured Alana DeJoseph (Mali 1992-1994), documentary Producer and Director; Glenn Blumhorst (Guatemala 1988-1991), National Peace Corps Association President; and Whitney Brown, (Botswana 2019-2020) a Covid-19 evacuee in March 2020. Jodi Hammer (Ecuador 1994-1997) moderated and fielded questions.

Thirty-eight attendees participated in the lively discussion about the documentary production, Peace Corps plans to redeploy volunteers, current issues facing the Peace Corps community, and challenges of evacuated PCVs. Patricia Wand (Colombia 1963-1965), Museum Co-Chair, offered an update on Museum activities and a description of Many Faces of Peace Corps, the new initiative to collect stories from Black Volunteers and others from under-represented populations in the U.S. To view a recording of the discussion, click HERE (audio starts at 00:34).  

The Museum thanks the 66 individuals who purchased tickets to view “A Towering Task,” the award-winning documentary. Proceeds from sales support the documentary and the Museum’s plans to celebrate Peace Corps 60th Anniversary in 2021.
