Our Supporters

We are so incredibly grateful to the our patrons, volunteers, Board of Directors, Museum Members, institutional funders and collaborators.  MPCE operations, exhibits and special programs preserving history, promoting peace, and bridging nations and cultures would not be possible without your generosity.

Please join or donate using the links below or learn of additional ways to give, such as donating stock or making a planned gift.

Become a Member

Donate Monthly

Individual Donors


Patricia Wand

$10,000 - $49,000

David and Gloria Lightwine
John Rude
Kathleen Mary Malu
Marla Bush
Peter Deekle
Susan Hayes
Anonymous RPCV

$5,000 - $9,999

Betty Crowder
Margaret Riley
Simin Banister

$2,500 - $4,999

Anne Baker & Murty Polavarapu
Anne Jardine
Deborah Manget
Jeanne Dhaem
Keith Beck
Lauren Greenberger
Linda Millette
Margaret Riley
Maricarmen Smith-Martinez
Mary Cates
Michael Haviland
Nicola Dino
Nicole Banister  
Pete Johnson
Ruth Paige
William & Francis Irwin

$500 - $2,499

Alexis Woodall
Alyssa Galik
Ann Sulkovsky
Anne Bluemel
Barbara Ford
Barbara Peterson
Brenda Sanchez
Carol Cespedes
Carolyn Behr
Carolyn Corwin
Catherine Poulin
Chet Orloff
Daniel Krumm
David Miron
Diane Hibino
Frank Mitchell
Glenn Blumhorst
Haskell Ward

$500 - $2,499

Helen Wand
J Henry Ambrose
Jack Allison
James Skelton
Jane Lee Ritchie
Janet Wilson Greig
Jeanette Gottlieb
Jeffrey Janis
John & Kathy Long
John Fleming
Judith and Stanley Hallet
Kara Lynn Rankin
Karen Deveney
Keith Bell
Kevin & Kay Dixon
Kevin Quigley
Kit Porter Van Meter
Leanne Hogie
Lily Rivera
Linda Button
Linda Downs
Linda Scheffer
Lydia Rivera
Martin Kaplan
Mary Pendleton
Natalie Firnhaber
Peggy Bangham
Priscilla Goldfarb
Rachel Waterman
Robert Crooks
Roberta Larson
Robyn Filonczuk
Ronald Myers
Russell Love
Sandra Voge
Sharon Rogers
Sharon Keld
Stanley Garnett
Susan Grieg
Susan Severtson
Thomas Bauder
Tom Rivera
William Saphir

Corporate & Foundation

JM Zell
Kimberlina Whettam & Associates
Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation
Pomeroy Foundation

Public & Non-profit

American University
Friends of Afghanistan
Friends of Colombia 
Friends of Malaysia 
National Peace Corps Association
Peace Corps Iran Association