Note: Fundraising Update

Note: Fundraising Update

The Museum of the Peace Corps Experience sends a special thank-you to everyone who contributed to our recent fundraising success. 

A tremendous gift-in-kind comes from American University Museum staff by co-hosting Peace Corps at 60: Inside the Volunteer Experience. Their Project Space and their curatorial and exhibition expertise are essential to the ability of the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience to offer this exhibit. Hats off! to Jack Rasmussen, AU Museum director and curator; Aly Schuman, Alper Initiative for Washington Art Fellow and co-curator; and the entire staff.

The Peace Corps Community Fund recently awarded the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience a grant to help underwrite the cost of printing the 60th anniversary exhibit catalog. Thank you to the National Peace Corps Association for this most-welcomed and needed gift!

By the end of 2020, $15,485 toward our goal of $35,000 was received by the Museum through formal and personal fundraising efforts of its volunteers, members, and friends. These donations help the museum keep up-to-date on monthly expenses, meet financial needs of the 60th anniversary exhibit, and open a license to PastPerfect, a software program to develop our catalog of objects and create a bibliography of Peace Corps authors.  

A special thank you goes to the 12 friends and family members who donated to the Museum in celebration of committee member Debbie Manget’s birthday. Thank you, friends and family, and to Debbie for sharing such a generous gift! 

The Museum thanks all its members who have given and continue to contribute to the preservation and promotion of the Peace Corps experience through the work of the Museum.
