Celebrating Yerba Mate

Join us, the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience, and the International Peace Museum along with Guayaki Yerba Mate and Friends of Paraguay for a fun-filled event of mate and terere tea drinking circles; an exhibit of gourds/guampas, bombillas and artisenal thermos’; an author book talk and live Paraguayan music and sing-along!



Celebrate Women’s History with Jody Olsen, Former Peace Corps Director and Author of A Million Miles

On April 15th at 7PM EST, join us for a book talk on Former Peace Corps Director Jody Olsen’s new memoir A Million Miles: My Peace Corps Journey (The University of Utah Press 2024), featuring Jonathan Zimmerman, Meleia Rose, and Jody Olsen.  The event will be hosted by Zack Klim, Director of the Museum of the Peace Corps Experience.  The author and featured guests will discuss the book and the case for citizen diplomacy.

